Two Clicks to Answers
PLANmap™ has been specifically designed and purpose built to empower non-technical users with the same data driven approach used by experienced GIS Analysts and GeoSpatial Modellers. Integrating raster and vector based data sets from both public and proprietary sources, our solution is focused on achieving data driven results and creating invaluable business insight through an intuitive, user-friendly interface.

Spatial data delivery
Receiving your project deliverables on time is important. How you receive them, we believe is equally important.
Files to big to receive via email? As part of our standard service, Lorrnel clients have the option to receive project deliverables online through our PLANmap interface as opposed to an email or FTP service.
Want to take a look at your spatial deliverables before downloading them? Can't wait to get back to your computer to view your data on your enterprise GIS platform? PLANmap allows clients to preview your project deliverables on the go or before you download.
Forgot where you put that last copy of your data? PLANmap allows you to download your data on-demand and multiple times if needed. Our spatial data and records management functionality serves as your own private library for Lorrnel deliverables on a project, on a seasonal or on-going basis.

Geospatial intelligence
Pre-configured modules, are ready for rapid deployment to address all your geospatial intelligence needs.
Not quite to project execution? PLANmap will help you understand the regulatory, environmental and / or operational considerations up front and will help to inform a more focused scoping of your project without having to send a request to another department or business unit within your organization.
Manage all your capital infrastructure, assets and environmental liabilities all within a single screen. Our in-house Project Managers were instrumental in the design of this heads-up interface to the spatial data, documentation and tabular records required to manage multiple asset types, regulatory requirements, compliance reporting.
Whether its gravel stockpiles, log yards or soil salvage, our platform is ready to deliver all your data collected from surveys and internal auditing processes for delivery to interested parties.

Stakeholder engagement
Access to information is critical for the effective engagement of key stakeholders and regulators. Allow PLANmap to host all your data for informed decision-making at its finest.
Management of 3rd party land use and consultation tracking is made easy with the PLANmap user interface. Tabular records and document control are full integrated with spatial data for a complete overview of your projects land use and engagement data.
Ensuring proper baseline assessment results and records allows for an effective catalogue of flora and fauna. PLANmap is a highly effective platform for representing your pre-disturbance conditions and post construction impacts.
Documenting water withdrawals and illustrating change over time is an effective tool for the management of water and wetland resources on all your projects.